August Muth: Deepening The Light

August Muth

Deepening The Light

April 23 - May 21, 2022


August Muth, 'Terra Solaris',  2022, hologram laminated in glass
Terra Solaris,  2022, hologram laminated in glass


Pie Projects was thrilled to present a solo exhibition of Artist August Muth, a pioneer in the exploration of light through holography.

The artwork of August Muth exemplifies the experience that light is the faithful archivist of time. In his holographic collaborations with laser light, he is able to archive the relationship of photons with minimal forms revealing enduring compositions of material light. His creations depict simple geometric forms that exist in free space and are unconfined within the material dimension of the artwork. The polychromatic character of these forms produces fields of color which are rarely experienced. He regards his work as an exploration into the natural realm of the photon where we have the opportunity to discover the mystery of light itself.

August Muth, 'Radiant Kinship', hologram laminated in glass

Radiant Kinship, 2022, hologram laminated in glass
photo: courtesy of the artist

‘Through these artworks, I strive to archive the perceptible light-space-time phenomena. As these three elements intertwine, a multi-dimensional experience of pure light is created composed of fields of poly-chromatic color sculpted into dimensional forms. Luminous veils of light invite the viewer into an intriguing holographic experience. The physicality of earthly materials becomes nonessential as one becomes enthralled by the beauty and tactile quality of this light.’  - August Muth


Artist August Muth in his studio


August Muth exhibits internationally and is a pioneer in the exploration of light through the art of holography. His interest in light began at the age of 16 when he began making large water-filled glass prisms to refract light and explore prismatic color. In his late teens, as a jewelry maker in Aspen, Colorado, he became captivated by the alluring light of opals and diamonds. These interests laid the foundation for the beginning of his formal studies in art and physics at the University of New Mexico in 1975, and later at the University of Houston, and the University of Texas, Austin. He continued his formal studies specifically in holography at the Museum of Holography in New York City (1981–84). His studio, The Light Foundry, which was established in 1987 and is currently in Santa Fe, New Mexico, produces artworks exploring the light-space-time continuum.

VIEW August Muth's full CV 

Inquire about available artwork here or call 505-372-7681


August Muth, Translucere2, Holograms laminated in glass

Translucere #2, 2022
Holograms laminated in glass, luminescent pigment, paint
25” x 21.5”, Optical Dimension: 5”




August Muth, Equinox,  2021, Holograms laminated in archival glass

Equinox, 2021
Holograms laminated in archival glass
12.5” x 11”, Optical Dimension: 11”

