Daisy Quezada Ureña - CV
2014 Master of Fine Arts, Emphasis in Ceramics, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
2012 Bachelor of Fine Arts, Studio Arts, Santa Fe University of Art and Design, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Professional Experience
2018 – present. Associate Professor, Institute of American Indian Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico
2014 – 2017 Contributing Faculty, Santa Fe University of Art and Design, Santa Fe, New Mexico
2012 – 2014 Contributing Faculty, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Daisy Quezada Ureña: Quihica, Pie Projects Contemporary Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Mud Kin, USC Mateo Gallery, Los Angeles, California
Artist as Knowledge Carriers, 516ARTS, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Contemporary Ex-Votos: Devotion Beyond Medium, New Mexico State University Art Museum, Las Cruces, New Mexico
Women’s Work, Lyndhurst, Tarrytown, New York
Son de Allá Son de Acá, Exhibit/208, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Korean International Ceramics Biennale, Korean Ceramic Foundation, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Rep. of Korea - Honorable mentions for two works
Indigenous Women: Border Matters, Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian, Santa Fe, New Mexico - Traveling, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology of University of New Mexico
RESIDENCY AS WITNESS, Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Untitled (Accumulation), Santa Fe Public Libraries & IAIA Library, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Faculty Exhibition, University of Oklahoma, Lightwell Gallery, Norman, Oklahoma
Exchange, Shirley Fiterman Art Center, New York, New York
Re-Centering Santa Fe/Social Structures, Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Species in Peril, 516 ARTS, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Where Are You, Vital Spaces, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Wuhan International Ceramics Exhibition, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Gallery, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China
The US-Mexico Border: Place, Imagination, and Possibility, 516ARTS, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Mi Tierra: Contemporary Artists Explore Place, Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado
Crafted Stranger, The Center for Craft Creativity & Design, Asheville, North Carolina
Interference + Interaction, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM
Concept: Taiwan Ceramics Biennale, New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum, New Taipei, Taiwan
Int’l Inter-local Workshop Exhibition Icheon Ceramics Festival, Icheon, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea
What’s Inside, SITE Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Reverberant Matter, Wade Wilson Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Two by two: Small Scale Ceramics Sculpture Biennial, Gallery of Art, Cheney, Washington
Klassen, Lois and Daisy Quezada. “bosque brotante." Vancouver, Canada: Light Factory Publications, Print.
Arthur, Sylvia, Lois Klassen, and Daisy Quezada. “Terreno: Borderland Linguistics." Vancouver, Canada: Light Factory Publications, Print.
“Home Away.” 1905, Daisy Quezada. Volume 19, September 2018, 38 – 39.
Press (select)
April 2022
New York Times, “In Dishes and Dolls, a Foundation of Feminist Art”
July 2021
Los Angeles Times, “Essential Arts: Indigenous views of the border in exhibitions in Arizona and New Mexico”
July 2018
Southwest Contemporary, “Studio Visit with Daisy Quezada”
November 2018
Hubei Institute of Fine Art , “艺术家专访 “
Projecting All Voices Fellowship, ASU Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts
The Dots Between Fellowship
Charla Fund, United State Latinx Art Forum
Fulcrum Fund, 516 Arts & Andy Warhol Foundation, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Guldagergaard International Ceramic Research Center, Skælskør, Denmark
Santa Fe Art Institute, Immigration/Migration Theme, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Icheon Ceramics Festival, Guest Artist, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
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