Cedra Wood

Inquire about artwork here or call 505-372-7681
Kudzu I, 2024, graphite on clayboard, 5 x 7 in.
Kudzu II, 2024, graphite on clayboard, 5 x 7 in.
Kudzu III, 2024, graphite on clayboard, 3 x 2 in.
Kudzu IV, 2024, graphite on clayboard, 2 x 3 in.
Bitterroot and Friend Conferring Across Lava Field, acrylic on panel, 3.5 x 2.5 in.
Cormorant, Lofoten, acrylic on panel, 2.5 x 3.5 in.

Sol 3, graphite on Arches paper, 26 x 26 in.

Ghost Bat, graphite on paper, 10 x 8 in.

Mesquite Dune in the Gloaming with Luna and Venus, acrylic on panel, 24 x 36 in.

Camel Portraits (Mu), graphite on paper, 24 x 35 in.
Camel Portraits (Daleel), graphite on paper, 15 x 23 in.
Salt Harvesting (Mojave), acrylic on panel, 12 x 16 in.
Fishbone Beast, tilapia bones from Salton Sea short, papier-mache amateur, 18 x 20 x 14 in.
Fishbone Beast Portrait, graphite on paper, 30 x 22 in.
Accumulated Matter (Salton Sea Shore), acrylic on panel, 15 x 20 in.
Visitation (Great Lakes), rope on steel armature, human scale
Storm-blown Grasshopper, Great Salt Lake, acrylic on panel, 2.5 x 3.5 in.
Wandering Pine Cone, Sagehen, acrylic on panel, 3.5 x 2.5 in.
Oak Lichen, acrylic on panel, 2.5 x 3.5 in.